A Conversation With the Owner of NURILENS, Juliette Nelson

While fashion brands that cater to black women have increased tremendously over the years, eyewear is one of the markets where we still lack representation. That’s due in part to the lack of ownership in the eyewear market. According to Statistica The global eyewear market, which is made up of spectacles, contact lenses, sunglasses, and other eyewear products, was valued at around 140 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, and was forecast to reach197 billion U.S. dollars by 2027. Even with these large numbers, there are only a handful of black eyewear designers. Today we interview Juliette Nelson, owner of NURILENS eyewear on how she’s working not only to change those statistics but educate black and brown people about eye health. NURILENS is a company that strives to create a seamless and long-lasting customer optical experience for diverse audiences that encourages self-expression and the pursuit of vision by combining style, sustainability, and affordability in their handcrafted wooden eyewear.

Please tell us about yourself and the work that you do?

Juliette: I am an industrial-organizational psychology (IOP) professional by day and an entrepreneur by night who is passionate about encouraging people to be their best authentic selves by living their lives with purpose. Everything that I do, whether through developing organizational strategies, coaching, or selling a product, the constant theme is that everyone is called to make some kind of impact on this earth and they should have a safe space by which they can evolve and live with purpose.

In what ways does your talent/business/services make an impact in others’ lives?

Juliette: NURILENS eyewear, specifically, is symbolic of the calling to be purposeful and impactful. Wood is symbolic of knowledge, longevity, and wisdom. When you think of a tree, it is deeply rooted and weathers practically every storm, yet evolves beautifully and serves as an asset to our biosphere. In that regard, with wooden eyewear and blue-light blocking lenses, NURILENS makes an impact by encouraging personal evolution, self-expression, and purpose in our customers.

What do you enjoy most about the work that you do?

Juliette: What I enjoy most about this work is first the design aspect of the eyewear collection. For someone who doesn’t know how to draw, I found that sketching designs for the collection gives me a safe space to express myself and art in my own way. Sometimes, my friends or customers might send a picture of existing frames that they like, but when I put pencil to paper and ideas flow, the design I create becomes a work of art. Someone once commented under our post on Instagram saying that the designs were “statement pieces”, and that perfectly captures how designing the frames allows me to speak without saying much.

Secondly, working with Team NURILENS has been an honor. There is nothing more fulfilling than having team members who believe in your vision and the brand itself. Their desire to excel at their craft while bringing teamwork and creativity to the brand is awesome to observe and experience. The company is represented by people whose work represents the self-expression and purpose we encourage in our customers.

What have been some memorable moments in your career so far?

Juliette:Moments that remind me of the impact that my work has are truly the most memorable. Some of the most reserved people have approached me and expressed how wearing NURILENS eyeglasses has allowed them to step out of their shells. Additionally, customers have approached me on the price they experience being able to relate to and identify with NURILENS as a company owned by a Black [Haitian-American] woman. As a small business owner, those small moments serve as reminders to persevere along my journey of entrepreneurship.

What have been some challenges you overcame that made you the person that you are today?

Juliette: One of my biggest challenges was understanding and accepting the importance of being kind to myself and actually applying it. Working full-time, being a doctoral student full-time, and running four companies can be extremely demanding and quickly have me so focused that I forget to take care of myself. I am also my biggest critic and built a habit of removing grace from myself when it was needed the most. Over the past two years, I started to see the significant impact that it had, especially on my health. Earlier this year, I made a pact with myself that I would do right by me so that I could be in a healthier position to do all of the work that I do. It’s still an ongoing process, but taking breaks, doing things that help me clear real estate in my head, and setting boundaries are among those things that have produced great results. In being kind to myself and showing myself grace, my purpose in the work I do has so much more meaning. It’s been a hurdle that has taken years to overcome, but I’m grateful for the outcome.

How has your line of work made an impact on you?

Juliette: My work simply reminds me of my purpose to empower people to live up to the highest standards of their purpose. Being able to see my clients evolve and my customers step out as their best selves is a constant reminder to me of the fact that it is also okay for me to continue being my authentic self, no matter what naysayers may suggest.

What is a quote that you live by?

Juliette: Love yourself and love others.

What else would you like for our readers to know about the services you provide?

Juliette: NURILENS offers both prescription and nonprescription solutions for eyewear. We also have new features and products coming soon, so be on the lookout.

What do you want your legacy to look like?

Juliette: I would want it to look like people healing, evolving, and stepping out as their best authentic selves.

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Also on Facebook and Instagram @juliettenurinelson @nurilens

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